Section: Application Domains

Interfacing Virtual Worlds and Natural Language Processing

In 2010, Talaris addressed a new application domain namely, the integration of deep natural language processing (NLP) techniques with 3D worlds and games. A first foray into that theme has been the submission of two systems to the international GIVE (Giving instructions in a virtual environment). Two recently accepted EU funded projects (Interreg project Allegro and Eurostar project Emo-Speech) on that theme will permit a fully blown exploration of the research issues and of the technological problems arising in this area. This new theme builds on the tools and techniques developped by Talaris over the last 5 years for deep NLP and in particular, on the availability of an expressive grammar writing environnement (XMG), of wide coverage deep grammars for French and English (SemTAG and SemXTAG), of a grammar based surface realiser (GenI) and of parsers (LLP2, SemConst) using these grammars.